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  • Writer's pictureJoseph Strazi

ACTIVATED - In the Matrix of Spiritual Warfare

A short bit I wrote to my dear Mother today:

I know it looks very distorted- the lens and perception and activity I've been engaging and expanding myself into for many years now. It seems weird to those who do not have the difficult burden of seeking and focusing out truth in what appears to be a matrix of spiritual warfare. I must say though the rabbit hole isn't just a hole. It is a whole. Once one truly falls down this whole, expansion into totality, they become 'activated'. You can't comfortably in your conscience sit still. You can only react to the expansion. The aplomb knowledge deep inside you always reminding you the heaviness that comes with a responsibility. The reaction must be fruitful to the role one has to play. Challenge of my life. With great joy and with great amorphous resources (when done rightfully).

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